Institute of Graduate Education

Academic Members


A. Uğur Tanyeli,  Prof.

Uğur Tanyeli was born in Ankara in 1952. After graduating from Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts, Faculty of Architecture (1976), he received his Ph.D. at Istanbul Technical University (1985). He started teaching as Associated Professor in 1992. He became professor at Yıldız Technical University Faculty of Architecture in 1998. Between 2011-2015 he was the founder dean of Mardin Artuklu University Faculty of Engineering and Architecture. He then became the dean of Istanbul Bilgi University Faculty of Architecture (2015-2018), and between 2018-2020 he was the dean of Istanbul Şehir University Faculty of Architecture and Design. His academic interests are Ottoman/Turkish modernity in a world-historical context, beginning with the 16th century, and its physical and spatial aspects. Some of his books are “İstanbul 1900-2000: Konutu ve Modernleşmeyi Metropolden Okumak / Istanbul 1900-2000: Reading Modernity and Housing on the Metropolis” (Akın Nalça, 2004), “Turgut Cansever: Düşünce Adamı ve Mimar / Turgut Cansever: Thinker and Architect” (with A. Yücel, Osmanlı Bankası Arşiv Araştırma Merkezi and GG, 2007), “Mimarlığın Aktörleri: Türkiye 1900-2000 / Actors of Architecture: Turkey 1900-2000 ” (GG, 2007), “Rüya, İnşa, İtiraz: Mimari Eleştiri Metinleri / Dream, Construction and Objection: Texts of Architectural Criticism” (Boyut, 2011), “Sınıraşımı Metinleri: Osmanlı Mekanının Peşinde / Texts of Transgression: Searching for the Ottoman Space” (Akın Nalça, 2015), “Yıkarak Yapmak / Construction by Destruction” (Metis, 2017) and “Mütereddit Modernler: Türkiye’de ve Dünyada Mimar İdeologlar / Hesitating Moderns: Architect Ideologues in Turkey and in the World” (Işık University Publ., 2018).

Research Areas: History and Theory of Architecture,

Main Areas: Mimarlık, 

İstanbul 1900-2000: Konutu ve Modernleşmeyi Metropolden Okumak
2004 - Ulusal Hakemli
Güzel Sanatlar Dergisi, TANYELİ ABDULLAH UĞUR