Hatice Gülen, born in Adana in 1967, graduated from Çukurova University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture in 1988. After she had MSc degree in 1992, she started PhD studies at the same university in 2004. She received her Ph.D. degree in 2000 after she carried out her thesis on plant molecular physiology at West Virginia University (USA) as a TUBITAK scholar between 1998-1999. She studied plant genetics and biotechnology in the Institute of HANIA (Greece 1995), the Hebrew University (Israel, 2006) and West Virginia University (2009). She started working at the Uludağ University in 2000 and became an Associate Professor in 2005 and Professor in 2011. During this period, she founded Plant Biotechnology and Plant Molecular Physiology Research Laboratories. She took an active role in the establishment of the Molecular Biology and Genetics graduate and undergraduate programs between 2013-2016. She served as the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture in 2011-2015. She coordinated program accreditation (MÜDEK and ABET) process and took place in continuous improvement and quality studies at the Rectorate. She continued her academic studies at Istanbul Bilgi University after 2016. She founded the Plant Biotechnology Research Laboratory in the Department of Genetics and Bioengineering. During her tenure as the Head of the Department until 2021, Genetics and Bioengineering Undergraduate Program received the MÜDEK accreditation. She has been involved in many research projects as PI or as researcher in interdisciplinary projects related to green biotechnology applications. She appointed as an expert external research evaluator in the EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND action USAL4EXCELLENCE (2021- 2025). She has the "Training of Trainers" certificate authorised by TPI about patent. Professor Gülen having certificates in 'Quality Management System', 'Process Management, Interaction and Improvement Techniques', and 'MÜDEK Program Accreditation Evaluator', is a MÜDEK Program Accreditation Evaluator. She has supervised graduate thesis and published many papers and book chapters. She holds 3 national and 1 international patents.
Araştırma Alanları
- Plant Biotechnology
- Molecular Plant Physiology
- Green Biotechnology
Çalışma Alanları
- Ziraat, Orman ve Su Ürünleri Temel Alanı
- Bahçe Bitkileri Yetiştirme ve Islahı
- Bitkisel Biyoteknoloji
- Molecularly imprinted polymer nanoparticles for the recognition of ellagic acid, 2022
- Genotype-Dependent Gene Expression in Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) Plants Under High Temperature Stress, 2020
- Proline and antioxidant enzyme activities in some strawberry cultivars under drought and recovery, 2018
- SNP discovery by GBS in olive and the constraction of a high-density genetic linkage map, 2016
- Effects of high temperature stress on enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidants and proteins in strawberry plants, 2016
- Effect of Processing Techniques on Antioxidative Enzyme Activities Antioxidant Capacity Phenolic Compounds and Fatty Acids of Table Olives, 2013
- Heat stress tolerance of some strawberry Fragaria x ananassa cultivars, 2013
- Assessment of inter and intra cultivar variations in olive using SSR markers, 2012
- Changes in H2O2 and peroxidase activities in strawberry plants under heat stress, 2012
- Alterations in total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity in response to low temperatures in olive Olea europaea L Gemlik, 2012
- Determination of Self Incompatibility Groups of Sweet Cherry Genotypes from Turkey, 2011
- Dormancy in tulip Tulipa gesneriana L bulbs and freesia Freesia refracta Klatt corms Changes in soluble proteins and APX activity, 2011
- The activities of catalase and ascorbate peroxidase in olive Olea europaea L cv Gemlik under Low Temperature Stress, 2011
- Antioxidative enzyme activities in Brassica juncea L and Brassica oleracea L plants under chromium stress, 2011
- Assessment of Genetic Relationships Among 29 Introduced and 49 Local Sweet Cherry Accessions in Turkey Using AFLP and SSR Markers, 2010
- The effect of harvest maturity stage on ACC synthase activity and total proteins profile in kiwifruits during normal and controlled atmosphere storages, 2010
- Genetic Diversity Among Some Currants Ribes Spp Cultivars As Assessed by AFLP Markers, 2010
- Cold hardiness of olive Olea europaea L cultivars in cold acclimated and non acclimated stages Seasonal alteration of soluble sugars and phospholipids, 2009
- Cold hardiness of olive Olea europaea L cultivars in cold acclimated and non acclimated stages seasonal alteration of antioxidative enzymes and dehydrin like proteins, 2009
- Distribution of olive Olea europaea L Genotypes in the Southern Marmara Region of Turkey, 2009
- SSR Analysis Demonstrates That Olive Production in the Southern Marmara Region in Turkey Uses a Single Genotype, 2009
- Genetic Diversity among Some Blackberry Cultivars and Their Relationship with Boysenberry Assessed by AFLP Markers, 2009
- The activity of antioxidative enzymes in three strawberry cultivars related to salt stress tolerance, 2008
- Peroxidase activity and lipid peroxidation in strawberry Fragaria X ananassa plants under low temperature, 2008
- Annual pattern of total soluble sugars and proteins related to cold hardiness in olive Olea europaea L cv Gemlik, 2007
- Changes in peroxidase activity and soluble proteins in strawberry varieties under salt stress, 2006
- Cambial isoperoxidases related to graft compatibility in pear quince graft combinations, 2005
- Total protein content and SDS PAGE in pear scions grafted on Quince A and pear seedling rootstocks, 2005
- Effect of heat stress on peroxidase activity and total protein content in strawberry plants, 2004
- Farklı anaçlar üzerine aşılı bazı kiraz ve elma çeşitlerinde stoma yoğunluğu ve stoma boyutları, 2004
- Improved rooting of Gisela 5 softwood cuttings following banding and IBA application, 2004
- Bazı kiraz çeşitlerinin standart ve soğuk birimi yöntemlerine göre soğuklama gereksinimleri, 2003
- Some physiological changes in strawberry Fragaria x ananassa cv Camarosa plants under heat stress, 2003
- Peroxidase isozyme profiles in compatible and incompatible pear quince graft combinations, 2002
- Armut ve ayvada nişasta jel elektroforez tekniğine göre peroksidaz izoenzim analizleri için en uygun yöntemin belirlenmesi, 2002
- Biyoetik ve Genetik Kaynakların Kullanılması (Bioethics and Using of Genetic Resources), 2017
- Etik Çerçevede Biyoçeşitlilik ve Fikri Mülkiyet Hakları (Biodiversity and Intellectual Property Rights in the Frame of Ethics), 2017
- Application of choline and glycine betaine alters levels of total phosholipids in Olea europaea L. related to cold hardıness., 2015
- Choline Chloride as a Growth Stimulator in Strawberry Plants., 2013
- Synthesis of molecularly imprinted polymers for specific recognition of ellagic acid, 2019
- Effects of high temperature stress on total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity in strawberry plants,, 2012
- Protein and peroxidase activity in strawberry plants under the combined effects of drought, low and high temperature, 2012
- Determination of non-phytotoxic doses of gylicine betaine and choline in Olea europaea L., 2012
- Proteins in strawberry plants (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) under heat stress, 2012
- Effects of uridine application on Tetranychus urticae damage in various vegetable plants,
- Effects of antioxidant enzymes on heat stress tolerance of pepper Capsicum annuum L seedlings, 2016
- Üridin in Bitkilerin Biyüme ve Geliişmesini Teşvik Etmde ve Stres Toleransını arttırmada Kullanımı,
- Yüksek Sıcaklık Stresi Sırasında Çilek Fragaria x ananassa Duch Bitkisinde Meydana Gelen Fizyolojik Değişimler, 2015
- The assessment of behavior of nanoparticles in environmental systems for sustainable development, 2012
- Low temperature tolerance of leaf tissues in cold acclimated strawberry plants, 2014
- Effects of high temperature stress on total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity in strawberry plants, 2012
- Yüksek sıcaklık stresi sırasında çilek Fragaria x ananassa Duch bitkisinde meydana gelen fizyolojik değişimler, 2015
- Kuraklık ve Biyoteknoloji, 2013
- Effects of antioxidant enzymes on heat stress tolerance of pepper Capsicum annum L seedlings,
- Moleküler Biyoloji (Temel Bilgiler), ISBN: 98, 2004
- Strawberry: Growth, Development and Diseases, ISBN: ISBN-13: 978-1780646633, 2016
- Bahçe Tarımı –I, ISBN: 978-975-06-1049-3, 2017
- Bahçe Tarımı I, ISBN: 978-975-06-1049-3, 2017