Professor Dr. M. Ayberk Kurt was born in 1968 in Samsun. He graduated from Bursa Anatolian High School in 1986 and Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine in 1992. Between 1992-1993, he completed his compulsory service in Bartın State Hospital. Between 1994-2000, she studied Anatomy in the Faculty of Medicine at Bursa Uludağ University. From 1996 to 1999, he completed his doctorate in Neuroscience at St George’s Hospital Medical School, University of London, UK. Professor KURT’s main research interests are neuropathology and experimental animal models of Alzheimer's disease, Down's syndrome and septic encephalopathy. He has published many international and national articles with more than 900 citations and has had four awards as of 2019. In addition to his academic studies, he held many administrative positions, including quality coordinator, assistant medical director, Advisor to the President and University Secretary General. He has conducted projects, gave training and took part as an invited speaker in the academic events and congresses in the field of Lean Health and Lean Hospitals. Recently, He is the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at İstinye University in Istanbul Turkey.
Araştırma Alanları
- Anatomy
- Septic shock
- Alzheimer's Disease
- Down's syndrome
Çalışma Alanları
- Sağlık Bilimleri Temel Alanı
- Anatomi
- Intraperitoneal administration of CDP choline or a combination of cytidine plus choline improves nerve regeneration and functional recovery in a rat model of sciatic nerve injury, 2012
- Neuroprotective effects of melatonin administered alone or incombination with topiramate in neonatal hypoxic ischemic rat model, 2012
- Possible Neuroprotective Effects of Magnesium Sulfate and Melatonin as Both Pre and Post Treatment in a Neonatal Hypoxic Ischemic Rat Model, 2011
- Increased adult neurogenesis in the subventricular zone in a rat model of sepsis, 2011
- Is Standardization of Nerve Graft Groups Necessary for Experimental Studies, 2011
- Effects of Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Field on Caspase Activities and Oxidative Stress Values in Rat Brain, 2010
- Alterations in the brain electrical activity in a rat model of sepsis associated encephalopathy, 2010
- Sepsis induces apoptotic cell death in different regions of the brain ina rat model of sepsis, 2010
- The peri microvascular edema in hippocampal CA1 area in a rat model of sepsis, 2007
- Use of an intact sensory nerve to bridge a motor nerve defect: an experimental study., 2006
- Perimicrovascular edema in the frontal cortex in a rat model of intraperitoneal sepsis, 2006
- Simultaneous end to side coaptations of two severed nerves to a single healthy nerve in rats, 2006
- End-to-side nerve coaptation: is an additional proximal coaptation useful when available?, 2005
- The localization and anthropometry of mental foramen on late byzantine mandibles, 2005
- Deficits of neuronal density in CA1 and synaptic density in the dentate gyrus CA3 and CA1 in a mouse model of Down syndrome, 2004
- Fenretinide induces cytochrome c release, caspase 9 activation and apoptosis in the absence of mitochondrial membrane depolarisation., 2003
- Hyperphosphorylated tau and paired helical filament like structures in the brains of mice carrying mutant amyloid precursor protein and mutant presenilin 1 transgenes, 2003
- Neurodegenerative changes associated with beta amyloid deposition in the brains of mice carrying mutant amyloid precursor protein and mutant presenilin 1 transgenes, 2001
- Synaptic deficit in the temporal cortex of partial trisomy 16 Ts65Dn mice, 2000
- Amyloid Immunoreactivity in Astrocytes in Alzheimer s Disease Brain Biopsies An Electron Microscope Study, 1999
- Squatting facets on the neck of the talus and extensions of the trochlear surface of the talus in late Byzantine males., 1998
- A case with coincidence of aberrant right subclavian artery and common origin of the carotid arteries., 1997
- A rare case of a multiple variation of the muscles in the upper and lower extremities., 1997
- Paired helical filament morphology varies with intracellular location in Alzheimer’xxs disease brain., 1997
- Neuronal Injury and regeneration in caecal ligation and puncture model of sepsis,
- Sepsis and Sepsis Associated Encephalopathy: Lessons from an animal model and correlations with human disease, 2009
- Hippocampal morphological changes with septic shock after feacal peritonitis,
- Hipertermik Nöbet (Febril Konvülsiyon) oluşturulan sıçanlarda pilokarpin sonrası satus modelinde GABA-A ile etki eden propofol’xxün etkisinin araştırılması ve Hipokampal nöronal hasarın morfolojik değerlendirilmesi,
- Increased adult neurogenesis in SVZ of ret brain in an experimental model of sepsis,
- The Role of Glial Cells in Alzheimer’xxs Disease,
- End-to-side Nerve Coaptation: Is an additional proximal anastomosis useful when available?,
- Changing of c-fos levels according to age and time after status epilepticus induced by kainic acis in a rat temporal lobe epilepsy model,
- Experimental Faecal Peritonitis and Cerebrovascular Mıicrooedema,
- The ultrastructure of white matter senile plaques in Alzheimer’xxs disease,
- A morphometric study of compensatory adrenal growth meaasured by Scion Image Analysis Program,
- Medical Students’xx opinions on anatomy practicals: a questionnaire sample, 2002
- Student perceptions of the handouts as a suporting tool in an integrated curriculum,
- The variations in the bridging trait of hypoglossal canal in the late Byzantine Skulls,
- AB deposition and other neurodegenerative changes in doubly transgenic PS1/APP mouse brains,
- Synaptic deficit in the temporal cortex of partial trisomy 16 (Ts65Dn) mice,
- The neuropathology of transgenic mice carrying mutant APP and PS-1 transgenes: An EM study,
- A comparison of Anatomy Education in Turkey with some Asian countries, 1998
- Squatting Facets and Extensions of the Trochlear Surface of Talus,
- Decreased neuronal density in CA1 and decreased synaptic density in CA1, CA3 and the dentate gyrus of partial trisomy 16 (Ts65Dn) Mice,
- Geleceğe Bakış: 21. yy’xxda tıp ve tıp eğitimi,
- Lisansüstü Anatomi Eğitimi,
- The incidence of erosiond on axis vertebrae caused by the tortuous vertebral artery, 2002
- Laterality of jugular foramen external opening size and carotid canal position in Anatolian skulls, 1999
- The distribution of beta-amyloid immunoreactivity in Alzheimer’xxs disease brain: An electron microscope study, 1998
- Ts65Dn Farelerinde CA1, CA3, ve Dentat Girus Bölgelerindeki azalmış sinaptik dansite ve CA1 bölgesindeki azalmış Nöronal Dansite, 2003
- Alterations in brain electrical activity and vital parameters in cecal ligation and puncture: an experimental rat model of sepsis, 2008
- Neuroprotective effects of melatonin when used alone or in combination with topiramate on apoptosis induced neonatal hypoxic-ischemic rat model, 2009
- Aynı Böbrekte Tespit Edilen Renal Vasküler Varyasyonlu Olgu Sunumu Aberan Arteria Renalis Ve Sirkumaortik Renal Ven, 2017
- Sistematik Anatomi, ISBN: , 2003
- Klinik Biyokimya, ISBN: , 1998
- Anatomi Temel Ders Kitabı, ISBN: 978-1-60406-207-6, 2015