I was born on 13.05.1959 in Sinop. I did my primary and secondary education in Sinop. In 1975-1976 academic year, I started Hacettepe University Faculty of Engineering, Physics Engineering Department. Since I won the Faculty of Medicine in 1979, I left my Physical Engineering education halfway. I started my medical education at Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine. Then I continued at Ondokuz Mayıs University Faculty of Medicine and graduated from this faculty in 1987. Between 1987-1988, I completed my compulsory service duty in the Kırka district of Eskişehir as SSK Kırka Health Dispensary Physician. Between 1988 and 1991, I completed my Specialization in Medicine in Ondokuz Mayıs University Faculty of Medicine Anatomy Department and became an Anatomy Specialist. In 1991-1992, I did my military service at Gülhane Military Medical Academy. Then, in 1993, I was appointed as Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Anatomy, Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine. In 1995, I was appointed as the Head of Anatomy Department of Kocaeli University Faculty of Medicine and I was the founder of this place. I became Associate Professor on October 10, 1995. On December 7, 2000, I was appointed as a Professor at Kocaeli University Faculty of Medicine. I also served as The Manager of Kocaeli University School of Physical Education and Sports, The Head of The Department of Basic Medical Sciences of The Kocaeli University Faculty of Medicine, The Member of The Faculty Board of The Kocaeli University Faculty of Medicine, The Member of The Kocaeli University Senate . I also served as a Member at The Board of Directors of The Kocaeli University Institute of Health Sciences and The Communication Faculties. I've been involved in Kocaeli University Sports Club Board Member and Vice President, Kocaeli Higher Education Association Health Board Member and Turkey University Sports Federation Medical Committee Member. I also served Turkey Football Federation Central Referee Committee Member of the Sub-Commission for Educational Planning task did for two and a half years between 2005-2007. I also served The Representative of Turkey Football Federation in between 2004-2015 and The Head of The Board of Observers of Kocaeli in between 2008-2009. Also, between in 2002-2007, I produced and presented a program called "Sporology" on local TVs called TV 41 and Kocaeli TV. I have been writing columns for various local newspapers, magazines and internet media since 1998. I also performed my Anatomy Reserve Membership in Higher Education Institution Specialization Education and Curriculum Commission between 2002-2004. Turkish Medical Association Member, Turkish Anatomy Association membership, Turkey brain and nervous Research Association Member of Sports Sciences Association Member of The International Council for Health, Physical Education Recration Sport and Dance Membership, did Kocaeli Higher Education Association Membership. Also, I have been still Turkey's National Olympic Committee. I retired from my public service in 2016 by doing my duty as the Head of Anatomy Department of Kocaeli University Faculty of Medicine between 1995-2013. Since October 2016, I have been working as the Head of the Department and the Head of the Department of Basic Medical Sciences at Istinye University Faculty of Medicine. I was a Senate Member of Istinye University between 2016-2019. I worked as a department writer and translator in various textbooks. I am one of the three authors of the book “Medical Terminology and Etymology”. I am the author of the books "Mucizevi heykeltıraş", "Son Sapiens" and "Gençlik Çeşmesi". I have two children, one girl and the other boy.
Araştırma Alanları
- Anatomy
- Sports Medicine
- Basic Sports Science
- Biomechanics
- Neuroscience
Çalışma Alanları
- Sağlık Bilimleri Temel Alanı
- Anatomi
- Biochemical parameters in professional male footballers before and after training, 2017
- Biochemical parameters in professional male footballers before and after training., 2017
- Uncommon Insertion of the Extensor Pollicis Longus Muscle: Clinical and Anthropological Significance of this Variation, 2017
- “The nursing students’ metaphors about education of anatomy”., 2016
- Upper extremıty kınematıcs of flat serve ın tennıs., 2016
- “Evaluatıon of nerve conductıon velocıtıes of the medıan, ulnar and radıal nerves of basketball players”, 2014
- Ischemia-modified albumin levels in professional male soccer players before and after training, 2013
- The effect of dıfferent varıables on the correlatıon of the selected anaerobıc threshold estımatıon methods, 2013
- Associatıon between computer use and entrapment neuropathıes in the wrist region., 2013
- “Nerve Conductıon Studıes of Ulnar and Medıan nerves ın Elıte Rowers, 2013
- Biochemical parameters in professional male soccer players before and after training”, 2013
- “Microarray-Based Gene Expression Analysis of an Animal Model for Closed Head Injury”,, 2012
- Effects of repeatedly headıng a soccer ball on serum levels of two neurotrophıc factors of braın tıssue, bdnf and ngf, ın professıonal soccer players, 2011
- A Report of Unusual origin right renal artery: a case report., 2011
- The Influence of a Single Bout of Wrestling Exercise on Serum Levels of İschemia-Modified Albumin, 2010
- İschemia modified albumin levels following mild closed head trauma in the rat, 2010
- Relationship of age,gender,height and weight to diameters of aorta and its visseral branches, 2009
- Comparison of nevre conductionvelocities of the median and unlar nevre between elite ice hockey players and controls, 2009
- 3D Kinematic analysis of overarm movements for different sports, 2009
- Nerve conduction studies of the Axillary, Musculocuteneal and radial nerves in Elite İce hokey Players., 2009
- A case report of variation of the azygos venous sytem., 2008
- Voleybolcular ve badminton oyuncularının üst ekstremite antropometrik ölçümleri ve izokinetik performanslarının karşılaştırılması., 2008
- .İsokinetic performance in elite Voleybal and basketball players, 2008
- Farklı müzik hızlarında yapılan step aerobik çalışmalarında diz ekleminin izokinetik performans farklılıklarının değerlendirilmesi, 2007
- Elit ve elitaltı cirit atıcılarının atış tekniklerinin 3 boyutlu doğrusal kinematik analizi., 2007
- Tekerlekli sandalye basketbolunda sınıflamalara göre serbest atışta, bilek hareketinin biomekaniksel analizi, 2007
- Voleybolcularda maksimal kuvvet gelişimi için uygulanacak antrenman proğramı seçiminde piramidal yüklenme yöntemi ve tekrar yüklenme yöntemlerini karşılaştırılması, 2006
- Evaluation of medial and lateral meniscus thicknesses in early osteoarthritis of the knee with magnetic resonance imaging, 2006
- Nerve conduction study of ulnar nerve in volleyball players., 2006
- A rare case of distal one-third of the transverse colon supplied by a branch from splenic artery, 2006
- Beden eğitimi ve spor öğretmenliği bölümü öğrencilerinin değer sistemleri ve sorun çözmedeki yeterliliklerinin incelenmesi., 2005
- Comparison of nerve conduction velocities of lower extremities between runners and controls., 2005
- Comparative study on apoptosis in the testes of normal and alcoholic rats., 2005
- Bilgisayar kullanıcılarının üst ekstremite antropometrik ölçümlerinin kontrol gurubu ile karşılaştırılması., 2004
- Effect long-term activity in regio cubitalis morphology in elite tennis players, 2004
- Nerve conduction studies of upper extremites in tennis players, 2004
- Physical fitness levels of blind and visually impaired goalball team players., 2004
- Chorda Umblicalis damarlarının içerdiği elastik lif kalınlığının Fötal gelişime etkisi., 2003
- Hip structure and exercise., 2003
- Volumetric determination of medial epicondyle and lateral epicondyle of humerus in male and female Volleyball players., 2003
- A rare multiple variation of the greater omentum, 2002
- Nerve conduction studies of lower extremities in pes planus subject., 2001
- Carpal tunnel syndrome in carpet weavers, 2001
- Truncus Thyrocervicalis (TTC)’den çıkan a.thoracıca interna(ATI) olguları, 2000
- Unusual origin of the right renal artery: a case report, 2000
- Damar çapı ölçüm teknikleri arasındaki farklar., 1999
- The multiple variation of the azygos venous system., 1999
- Sulcus vocalis’in etiyolojisine yönelik bir araştırma., 1996
- Truncus coeliacus varyasyonu, 1996
- Bilateral n.medianus varyasyonu, 1994
- A.Thoracica interna sinistra varyasyonu, 1994
- İnfantlarda ıntragluteal enjeksiyon çalışması, 1994
- Gestasyonel yaş değerlendirilmesinde kullanılan parametrelerin karşılaştırılması., 1994
- Bilateral akciğer lob varyasyonu, 1993
- A.vertebralis dextra agenezisi, 1993
- Safra kesesi agenezisi, 1993
- Konjenital sol diafragmatik hernilerin morfolojik analizi, 1993
- Chorda umbilicalis damar çaplarının fötal gelişime etkisi, 1993
- Chorda umbilicalis uzunluğunun fötal gelişime etkisi, 1993
- Böbrek kaliseal anatomisi ve perkutan girişimlerdeki önemi, 1993
- Endoskopik sinus cerrahisinde lateral nasal duvar ve cerrahi anatomisi, 1992
- Genişletilmiş facial recess:Morfometrik bir araştırma, 1992
- Yenidoğanda a.mesenterica süperior ile a.mesenterica inferior arasındaki anostomatik arterler, 1992
- Anne yaşı,parite ve cinsiyetin fötal gelişim ve chorda umbilicalis morfolojisine etkisi, 1992
- Yenidoğanda n.peroneus communis sıkışmasının morfolojik analizi, 1992
- N.Medianus varyasyonu, 1991
- N.İschiadicus varyasyonu, 1991
- Bilateral v.cephalica varyasyonu gösteren olgu., 1990
- Isokinetic Performance and Mobility of Knee Joint in Elite Volleyball Players, 2005
- Böbrek kaliseal anatomisi ve percutan girişimlerdeki önemi., 1992
- Safra kesesi agenezisi., 1991
- Böbrek kaliseal anatomisi ve percutan girişimlerdeki önemi, 1991
- Türklerde diğer etnik gruplarla karşılaştırmalı dişi el ölçümleri, 1991
- The Nursing Students’ Metaphors about Education of Anatomy., 2015
- “Opinion of Students Who have Taken Anatomy Lesson At University Regarding the Anatomy Laboratory Education” “Üniversitede Anatomi Dersi Alan Öğrencilerin Anatomi Labarotuvarına İlişkin Görüşleri”., 2014
- Effects of repeatedly heading a soccer ball on serum levels of two neurotrophic factors of brain tissue BDNF and NGF in professoinal soccer players., 2011
- "İnsertion Du Muscle Long Extenseur Du Pouce Non Commun Et La Significance Clinique de Catte Variation, 2008
- Plantar Pressure Evaluation of ACL reconstructed patients., 2011
- Evaluation of nerve conduction velocities of the median, ulnar and radial nerves of basketball players., 2010
- A report of unusual origin of right renal artery., 2010
- Relationship of age, gender, height and weight to diameters of aorta and its visseral branches., 2009
- Comparison of nevre conductionvelocities of the median and unlar nevre between elite ice hockey players and controls., 2017
- IMA levels following mild closed head trauma in the rat., 2009
- Wrist movement’s Biomechanical analysis in free throw according to the classification in whellcahair basketball, 2005
- Biomechanical analysis of catching and finishing phases of the elite rowers 2000 m rowing tecnicques on the ergometer., 2005
- İsokinetic performance in elite volleyball and basketball players., 2005
- Evaluation isokinetic performance and anthropometric features of national deaf badminton squad, 2004
- Biomechanical analysis of the free throw according to the classification in wheelchair basketball., 2004
- Biomechanical analysis of the overarm throw technics in different branches., 2004
- The comparison of kinematic parameters during the throwing phase in elit and sub-elit javelin throwers, 2004
- Effects of biofeedback and mental training on situtional and permanent anxiety in 12-14 age group., 2004
- Effrect of the number of muscle layers of umblical cord blood vessels at fetal growth and relation ship with some histological characteristics of the umblical cord., 2004
- Nerve conduction studies of lower extremities in runners., 2003
- Comparison of some antropemetric and morphological characteristics between ice hockey players and control group in Kocaeli., 2003
- Nerve conduction studies of upper extremities in tennis players., 2002
- Goalball sporu yapan 13-15 yaş grubu erkek görme engelli sporcuların bazı motorsal ve fiziksel özelliklerinin değerlendirilmesi., 2002
- Structural and Functional changes of the bones in pes planus deformity, 2002
- Hip structure and exercise, 2002
- Effect of long-term unilateral activity in regio cubitalis morphology in elite tennis players., 2002
- Examination of fetal cerebral vessel wall directed towards the ethiology of intracranial berry(saccular) aneurysms., 2001
- Tıp Terminolojisi ve Etimolojisi, ISBN: 978-605-7578-61-7, 2020
- Adı Eylül Sağlık Bilimlerinde Yaşlılık, ISBN: 978-975-420-688-3, 2010
- Gray s Anatomi, ISBN: 978-975-277-349-3, 2010
- Spor Bilimlerine Giriş, ISBN: 975-6657-45-0, 2004
- İnsan Embriyolojisi Klinik Yönleri İle, ISBN: 975-420-161-7, 2002
- ANATOMİ DERS KİTABI, ISBN: 975-95222-0-9, 1994
- Tübitak Teşvik Ödülü, 2004