Dr. Özlem Büyüktanır Yaş completed her high school education in TED Ankara College in 1988 and her undergraduate education in Ankara University, Faculty of Science, Biology Department in 1992. Büyüktanır Yaş completed her PhD in Ankara University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Microbiology in 2003. She started serving in the Ministry of Health in 1994, Directorate General Primary Health Care Services, and then worked at Refik Saydam Hygiene Center, Vaccine Production, Research and Control Directorate in 1996-2004. She performed production of pertussis vaccine and control of diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus vaccines, and conducted research on vaccine development. In 1998, she conducted research on the development and control methods of the Cell Free Whooping Vaccine at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA / Food and Drug Administration) for 4 months. She was the chief of the Bacterial Vaccines Control and Research Laboratory within the Directorate. She worked as an assistant professor at Ondokuz Mayis University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Microbiology between 2004-2015. She gained the position of Associate Professor in 2015. Between 2013 and 2014, she conducted researches on the subject of "Development of new diagnostic tests for the diagnosis of Lyme Disease and Leptospirosis and development of effective vaccines for Lyme Disease" at the University of Maryland, USA for 1 year. Her research studies were basically on diagnosis of infectious diseases by conventional and molecular biological techniques, development of new, alternative molecular and serological diagnostic tests, development of new efficient vaccines. She is experienced on purification of the immuno-dominant antigens of the causative agents of the infections by chromatographic methods, cloning the targeted genes and production of recombinant proteins as vaccine candidates or development of sero-diagnostic tests based on these antigens. During this period, she worked as a director and researcher in 16 research grands, 6 of which were TÜBİTAK, DPT and KOSGEB grands. She is an international book editor and book chapter author, and has 2 national patents for the rapid diagnosis of infectious diseases. Dr. Büyüktanır Yaş has been in the academic staff of Istinye University, Department of Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology since 2018. She was the Head of the Department for 9 months beginning from March to the end of December 2019. She has collaborative studies with Professors from Maryland University and Yale University. Recently, she has been doing research on antimicrobial resistance.
Araştırma Alanları
- Moleküler Bakteriyoloji
- Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları Tanı Testlerinin Geliştirilmesi
- Aşı Geliştirme
Çalışma Alanları
- Sağlık Bilimleri Temel Alanı
- Veteriner Mikrobiyolojisi
- A systemic approach to identify non-abundant immunogenic proteins in Lyme disease pathogens, 2024
- Antibodies against EGF-like domains in Ixodes scapularis BM86 orthologs impact tick feeding and survival of Borrelia burgdorferi, 2021
- Interactions between ticks and Lyme disease spirochetes, 2021
- A novel tick protein supports integrity of gut peritrophic matrix impacting existence of gut microbiome and Lyme disease pathogens, 2020
- Validation of Two Rapid Serological Tests for Human Brucellosis Detection, 2019
- Monitoring of the immune response to B. abortus S19 conjunctival vaccine in cattle, 2019
- Borrelia burgdorferi BBI39 Paralogs, Targets of Protective Immunity, Reduce Pathogen Persistence Either in Hosts or in the Vector, 2017
- Serologic detection of antibodies against Fasciola hepatica in sheep in the middle Black Sea region of Turkey, 2017
- Cross Species Interferon Signaling Boosts Microbicidal Activity within the Tick Vector, 2016
- A Borrelia burgdorferi Surface Exposed Transmembrane Protein Lacking Detectable Immune Responses Supports Pathogen Persistence and Constitutes a Vaccine Target, 2016
- HtrA a Temperature and Stationary Phase Activated Protease Involved in Maturation of a Key Microbial Virulence Determinant Facilitates Borrelia burgdorferi Infection in Mammalian Hosts, 2016
- Middle region of the Borrelia burgdorferi surface located protein 1 Lmp1 interacts with host chondroitin 6 sulfate and independently facilitates infection, 2016
- Efficient Detection of Pathogenic Leptospires Using 16S Ribosomal RNA, 2015
- Development and validation of sandwich quantitative ELISA prototypebased on the bovine IFNg for the detection of cellular immunity, 2015
- BB0323 and Novel Virulence Determinant BB0238 Borrelia burgdorferi Proteins That Interact With and Stabilize Each Other and Are Critical for Infectivity, 2015
- Seroprevalence of Fasciolosis in equines of the Black Sea region Turkey, 2013
- Rapid immunofiltration assay based on colloidal gold protein G conjugate as an alternative screening test for bovine and ovine brucellosis, 2012
- Investigation of immunogenicity and protective efficiency of Bordetella bronchiseptica fimbriae in mice, 2012
- Development of an individual rapid test based on enzymatic immunofiltration assay for detection of anti Brucella abortus antibody in bovine sera, 2011
- Production purification and characterization of the recombinant Brucella abortus rp17 Protein, 2011
- Generation of Mouse Hybridomas Secreting Anti Salmonella Enteritidis Antibodies and Their Preliminary Characterization, 2011
- Bi antigenic immunoassay models based on the recombinant PvpA proteins for Mycoplasma gallisepticum diagnosis in chickens, 2010
- Günümüzde biyoteknolojik bakteriyel aşılar, 2010
- Development of qualitative and quantitative ELISA models for bovine Brucellosis diagnosis, 2010
- Detection of Brucella antibody and DNA in cow milk by ELISA and PCR methods, 2010
- LPS and flagellin based models for serological screening and confirmation of Salmonella infections in chickens, 2010
- Detection of the tdh and trh genes in Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates in fish and mussels from Middle Black Sea Coast of Turkey, 2009
- Recombinant PvpA Protein Based Diagnostic Prototype for Rapid Screening of Chicken Mycoplasma gallisepticum Infections, 2008
- Değişik B bronchiseptica suşlarında virulans faktörleri ve immünojenik özellikler, 2005
- Adsorbe tetanoz aşısı proses geliştirme ve üretim çalışmaları, 2005
- Rapid purification of Pertussis Toxin PT and Filamentous Hemagglutinin FHA by Cation Exchange Chromatography, 2004
- Advance in milk based serological techniques for the screening of bovine brucellosis. 17-19 Şubat 2023. Kafkas Üniversitesi, Kars., 2023
- The use of microsensors in diagnosis: An Example of Aptamers., 2023
- Molecular detection of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in Ixodes ricinus collected from cattle in Turkey. November 24-26, 2021, 2021
- Lyme Hastalığı Patojeni, Hastalıktan Korunma ve Tanısı Üzerine Güncellemeler., 2022
- COVID-19 aşılarının SARS-CoV-2 varyantlarına karşı korunmada etkileri, 2022
- New diagnostic approaches in Zoonotic Diseases, 2021
- Lyme hastalığının gelişmiş serolojik tanısı için yeni antijenlerin tanımlanması, 2020
- Determination of pathogenic Leptospira species from blood sera of cows using Quantitative Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (qRT-PCR), 2018
- Mobil tanı sistemine dayalı hızlı, kantitatif Brusella tanı modelinin geliştirilmesi., 2019
- Validation of two rapid immunofiltration based serological tests for human brucellosis detection., 2018
- Enterotoksemi şüpheli olgulardan C. perfringens toksin tiplerinin moleküler ve serolojik yöntemler ile araştırılması, 2018
- Development of ELISAs and evaluation of Brucella capt and two rapid serological tests for the detection of human brucellosis, 2017
- Development of ELISAs based on specific recombinant pvpA protein and the synthetic peptides for screening and confirmatory diagnosis of Mycoplasma gallisepticum infections in chiken., 2017
- Development and validation of sandwich quantitative ELISA prototype for bovine IFNg detection, 2016
- Studies with non enzymatic rapid immunofiltration assay NERIFA model as an alternative to detect anti Brucella antibodies in different species, 2016
- A constitutively expressed Borrelia burgdorferi surface protein invisible to humoral immunity supports pathogen persistence and constitutes a vaccine target, 2016
- A conserved chromosomally encoded surface protein supports Borrelia burgdorferi infectivity and is a novel vaccine target blocking pathogen transmission, 2015
- Use of RNA Detection for Better and Faster Diagnostics of Leptospirosis, 2015
- Two surface exposed outer membrane Borrelia burgdorferi proteins interact with each other and block pathogen transmission from ticks, 2015
- LPS ve rekombinant rBP26 proteininin sığırlarda Brucellosis taramalarinda tanı antijeni olarak kan ve süt serumu kullanılarak değerlendirilmesi,
- Kanatlılarda Salmonellozis in takibi için immunodiagnostik antijenlerin belirlenmesi ve tanıda kullanımları,
- Sığırlarda anti Brucella antikorlarının tespiti için kalitatif ve kantitatif test prototipleri,
- Salmonella Enteritidis Flagella Proteinlerinin Saflaştırılması ve Tanı Antijeni Olarak Kullanımı,
- Koyun fasciolosisinin home made ELISA ve Western blot ile tanısı ve Orta Karadeniz Bölgesinde seroprevalansı,
- İmmunodiyagnostik kullanım amaçlı Mycoplasma gallisepticum rekombinant PvpA proteini üretimi ve karakterizasyonu,
- Bordetella pertussis 69 kDa proteinin hızlı kromatografi yöntemi ile saflaştırılması,
- Rekombinant Brucella BP26 proteininin üretilmesi ve tanı antijeni olarak kullanımı,
- İnsan sığır ve koyunlarda anti Brucella antikorların takibi amacıyla hızlı test prototipi geliştirilmesi ve değerlendirilmesi,
- Lyme Hastalığından Korunmaya Yönelik Yeni Antijenlerin Tanımlanması,
- Use of antibody mediated protection from Pertussis Toxin induced leukocytosis in mice to evaluate procedures of chemical inactivation,
- Virulence factors and immunogenicity of Bordetella bronchiseptica strains,
- Detection of the Thermostable Direct Hemolysin tdh Gene and the tdh Related Hemolysin trh Genes of Vibrio Parahaemolyticus in Mussle and Fish from Black Sea Coast of Turkey Using Multiplex PCR Amplification,
- Alternative Field Diagnostic Prototypes Based on the Native or Recombinant Antigens for Rapid Screening of Brucellosis and Mycoplasmosis in the Farm Animals,
- Identification of Vaccine Candidates for Prevention of Lyme Disease,
- Türkiye de ve dünyada aşı geliştirme çalışmaları ve biyolojik savaş ajanları,
- Brusella tanısında in house enzimatik immunoassay modeller ve multipleks PCR ile tür ayırımı Ön sonuçlar,
- Kanatlılarda Mycoplasma gallisepticum enfeksiyonları taramalarında kullanıma yönelik rekombinant PvpA tanı antijenleri üretimi ve enzimatik hızlı tarama test modeli ERIFA geliştirilmesi,
- Recombinant DNA teknolojisi ile üretilen Mycoplasma gallisepticum PvpA adezini ve fraksiyonlarının immunoreaktifliklerinin tanımlanması,
- Sütte anti Brucella antikorların serolojik yöntemlerle saptanması,
- Anti Brusella antikor tespiti için protein A bazlı hızlı test modeli,
- Lyme Hastalığının Serolojik Tanısına Yönelik Enzimatik Hızlı İmmunofiltrasyon Testi ERIFA nin Geliştirilmesi,
- Tavuklarda Salmonellozisin izlenmesine yönelik immunolojik reaktif ve testlerin geliştirilmesi,
- Lyme Disease and Relapsing Fever Spirochetes: Tick Interactions, ISBN: 978-1-913652-61-6, 2020
- Sağlık Bilimleri için Mikrobiyoloji, ISBN: 978-605-7578-83-9, 2020
- Borrelia burgdorferi. Methods in Molecular Biology, ISBN: , 2017