Zehra Tonbul is Ass. Prof of History and Theory of Architecture. Her research focuses on twentieth century art and architectural history, theory and philosophy. It covers topics of historiography, intellectual history and modernism studies. She has completed her doctoral thesis at Bogazici University of Istanbul and with co-advisorship of the Department of Art History at the University of Vienna, with a thesis entitled ‘The Art Historiographical Odyssey of Ernst Diez’. She has an undergraduate degree in Architecture from Istanbul Technical University and an Mphil degree in History and Philosophy of Architecture from the University of Cambridge.
Araştırma Alanları
- History and Theory of Art and Architecture
- Philosophy of Architecture
- History of Historiography
- Intellectual History
- History of Ideas
- Modernism Studies
Çalışma Alanları
- Mimarlık, Planlama ve Tasarım Temel Alanı
- Mimarlık
- Mimarlık Tarihi
- Mimarlıkta Kuram, Eleştiri, Yöntem
- Mimari Tasarım
- Geography, Geist, Culture: Historiographical Controversies over the Positioning of Islamic Art in the First Decades of the Twentieth Century, 2023
- Endosmosis: Bio-geographical Sources of a World Art History, 2023
- From Strzygowski’s ‘Orient oder Rom’ to Hans Sedlmayr’s ‘Closest Orient', 2020
- Museum as Textum: Orhan Pamuk's Museum of Innocence, 2017
- Ekphrasis İstanbul-Konstantinopolis: Kentin İkili Yaşamı,
- Taut’s Alpine Architektur as a Bio-Geographical Landscape,
- Endosmosis: Bio-geographical Sources of a World Art History, 2023
- The Role of Geographic Approaches in the Emergence of Islamic Art Historiography, 2023
- Mobility and Situation in a Photograph of Istanbul,
- Poetic Identifications with Istanbul,
- The Role of Geographic Approaches in the Emergence of Islamic Art Historiography,
- Identifying Islamic Architectural History,
- Hospitals as Socio-Political Spaces: Mapping Hospitals in Late Ottoman Empire,
- The Web and Angel of Weltverkehr,
- Museum Text Labyrinthine Orhan Pamuk s Museum of Innocence, 2017
- Politics of Renovation Urban Regeneration The Case of Tarlabaşı İstanbul, 2011
- Midyat İçin Katılımcılık Odaklı Kent Öngörüleri, 2012
- Hans Sedlmayr’s Closest Orient, 2020
- A Study of the Architecture of Anıtkabir within the Framework of Turkish Identity Building, 2001
- Tarihi Hastaneler: Gurebâ Hastanelerinden Memleket Hastaneleri ne Türkiye de İlk Sivil Hastaneler, ISBN: 9789759206185, 2009
- The Reshaping of Persian Art: Art Histories of Iran and Beyond, ISBN: 978-615-5343-11-7, 2019
- PhD Fellowship, 2013
- Scholarship, 1999
- Ord. Prof. Dr. Emin Onat, Prof. Dr. Orhan Arda Ödülleri, 1998
- Scholarship, 2016
- Scholarship, 2014