I was born in 1980 in Ankara. I completed primary, secondary and high school education in Ankara. After graduating from Ege University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biochemistry in 2003, I completed my master's (2006) and Ph.D. (2016) degree at Gazi University, Health Sciences Institute, Department of Medical Biochemistry. For about 12 years, I carried out R&D activities in the private sector in the field of in vitro diagnostics. In 2018, I was appointed as an Assistant Professor. I took part in in vitro diagnostic kit development in 2 KOSGEB, 3 Technopark and 1 TUBITAK projects. During my tenure, I worked as the head of the lateral transfer commission, the strategy and quality assurance commission (Member), the accreditation commission (Member), etc. My academic studies are the in vitro measurement of biological drugs, characterization of nanostructures and their hybrid applications, etc.
Araştırma Alanları
- Tıbbi Biyokimya
Çalışma Alanları
- Sağlık Bilimleri Temel Alanı
- Tıbbi Biyokimya
- Anti-microbial, anti-oxidant and wound healing capabilities of Aloe vera-incorporated hybrid nanoflowers, 2023
- Peroxidase-like activity of hemoglobin-based hybrid materials against different substrates and their enhanced application for H2O2 detection, 2022
- Effects of Acute Malathion Exposure on Renal Oxidant and Antioxidant Balance in Rats, 2021
- Effects of organic-inorganic hybrid nanoflowers’ framework on hemocytes and enzymatic responses of the model organism, Galleria mellonella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), 2021
- An investigation of acute effects at various doses of malathion on glucose homeostasis and insulin resistance in rat liver, pancreas and serum, 2020
- Acute effects of different doses of malathion on the rat liver, 2019
- Protective effect of taurine on respiratory burst activity of polymorphonuclear leukocytes in endotoxemia, 2007
- The effect of taurine on polymorphonuclear leukocyte functions in endotoxemia, 2007
- Evaluation of Novel Conjugate Systems in Disease-Related Tests,
- A Novel Wound Healing Agent With Anti-Microbial Properties: Bsa-Inorganic Hybrid Nanoflowers,
- Anti-Microbial And Wound Healing Potential Of Aloe Vera-Conjugated Hybrid Nanoflower,
- Determination of β-Glucosidase deficiency by using in house ELISA Model,
- The Role Of Metal Ions And Solvents On The Enzymatic Activity Of Β-Glu/Cu3PO4)2 Hybrid Nanoflowers,
- Effect of dose dependent organophosphate compound on interleukin-6 and insulin receptor substrate-1 levels in rat liver.,
- The Power of Nanostructures: Investigating the Inhibitory Effect of Bevacizumab-loaded NF on Neovascularization in ovo CAM Assay,
- Development of a colorimetric hydrogen peroxide biosensor via hemoglobin-based hybrid materials, 2019
- Camarosa Çileklerinde Tetranchyus Urticae Zararlısına Karşı Biyolojik Etkinlik Çalışması, 2018
- The Effect Of Dznep On The Expression Level Of Tgf-b, Smad2, Smad3 And Smad4 Gene Expression In Hepg2 Cell Line, 2017
- The Effect Of Malathion On Serum Cholinesterase, Insulin And Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha, 2016
- Antalya Bölgesinden Gelen Elma Örneklerinde Emamectin B1a Ve B1b Aktif Maddeleri Kalıntı Miktarının Belirlenmesi, 2018
- The effects of acute different doses malathion exposure on insulin level, amylase, lipase activity and oxidant status in rat pancreas, 2016
- The effect of caffeine on AOPP and MDA levels, superoxide dismutase and glutathione S transferase activities of rat kidney tissue, 2012
- Quantification and validation of a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry assay for serum busulfan levels, 2013
- The effects of acute malathion exposure on renal oxidant antioxidant balance in rats, 2015
- The effect of malathion on oxidant antioxidant status in rat brain tissue, 2015
- Malathion-induced oxidative stress in rat liver,
- Acute different doses of malathion induce cholinesterase inhibition, glucogenic enzymes and histopathological change in rat liver, 2016
- The effects of malathion on serum parameters in rat, 2015
- Kimyevi Maddeler ve Mamulleri Ar-Ge Proje Pazarı’nda “İlaç ve Eczacılık Ürünleri” kategorisi, 2019
- 11. Kimya Arge Proje Pazarında Temel Kimya Dalında 3.'lük, 2022
- 11. Kimya Arge Proje Pazarında Başarı Hikayesi Kategorisinde, 2022
- Antalya OSB Proje Pazarı Sağlık alanında 3'lük, 2022
- Sözlü sunum Onur ödülü, 2021
- En İyi 3. Sözlü Sunum, 2019