Asst. Prof. Denizhan Karış, graduated from Uludag University Medical Faculty in 2002, got her PhD degree from Biophysics Doctorate Program (PhD) at Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty in Istanbul University in 2018. She is currently working at Biophysics Department of Istinye University Medical Faculty. Her academic study field covers hemorheology, endothelial dysfunction, trace elements, cardiocerebrovascular diseases. She is a member of Istanbul Medical Chamber and Turkish Biophysical Society. Research interest: Hemorheology, Hemodynamics, Endothelial dysfunction, Oxidative stress, Cardiocerebrovascular diseases
Araştırma Alanları
- Hemorheology
- Fluid Dynamics
- Blood Viscosity
- Plasma Viscosity
- Endothelial Dysfunction
- Atherosclerosis
- Diyabet
- Cardiocerebrovascular Diseases
Çalışma Alanları
- Sağlık Bilimleri Temel Alanı
- Biyofizik
- Comparison of selected levels of serum elements / minerals in obese dogs, 2023
- Evaluation of the Relationship Between Surfactant Protein D Levels and COVID-19 Clinical Severity: A Case-control Study, 2023
- Oral Microbiota Signatures in the Pathogenesis of Euthyroid Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, 2023
- Evaluation of Trace Elements in Essential Thrombocytosis and Reactive Thrombocytosis, 2022
- Koklear Mikro-Dolaşımın Hemodinamik ve Hemoreolojik Özellikleri, 2022
- Annexin A1 as a potential prognostic biomarker for COVID-19 disease: Case-control study, 2021
- Biophysical Overview of Covid-19 Infection, 2021
- Sigara İçenlerde Serum Nikel, Silisyum, Arsenik ve Bor Analizi, 2021
- The Effects of Vitamin D and Microfracture Surgery Technique on Calcium and Phosphorus: A Pilot Study, 2020
- The comparison of zinc, copper and iron levels in serum, aorta and left internal mammarian artery tissues in coronary by-pass graft surgery patients, 2019
- Analysis of the Relationship Between Hemorheologic Parameters, Aluminum, Manganese, and Selenium in Smokers, 2018
- Effects of cigarette smoking on hemorheologic parameters, plasma osmolality and lung function, 2016
- Effects of sevoflurane and desflurane on the blood and plasma viscosity, 2015
- Element intoxication by marine food, 2015
- The effects of ezetimibe on plasma viscosity and fibrinolytic activity, 2015
- The evaluation of plasma viscosity and endothelial dysfunction in smoking individuals, 2014
- Kalp Yetmezliği Hastalarında Serum Magnezyum ve Manganez Düzeylerinin İncelenmesi, 2020
- Kök Hücre ve Doku Mühendisliğinde Eser Elementlerin Anjiyogenez İçin Önemi, 2021
- The Effect of Direct Electric Current on Motion Behaviour in a Transgenic β-Amyloid Model of Caneorhabditis elegans: An In-vivo Study, 2020
- The Investigation of Plasma Viscosity and Endothelial Dysfunctıon Markers Between Patients Diagnosed with Essential Thrombocytosis and Reactive Thrombocytosis, 2019
- The Effects of Covid-19 on Cardiovascular System and Hemorheologic Parameters, 2020
- Effects of Smoking on Serum Nickel and Boron Levels, 2020
- The Crucial Role of Oxidative Stress in COVID-19, 2020
- Possible Effects of Sedentary Life at Home on Circulatory and Pulmonary Dynamics in COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020
- Evaluation of Trace Elements in Essential Thrombocytosis and Reactive Thrombocytosis, 2020
- Esansiyel ve Reaktif Trombositozlu Hastalarda Kan Viskozitesi ve Pıhtılaşma Testleri Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi, 2019
- Esansiyel ve reaktif trombositozlu hastalarda farklı kayma hızlarında kan viskozitesi ve plazma viskozitesi değişimlerinin incelenmesi, 2019
- The Effects of Vitamin D and Microfracture Surgery Technique on Plasma Viscosity,
- Hipertansiyona Multidisipliner Yaklaşım, ISBN: 978-625-727-507-1, 2020
- Obeziteye Multidisipliner Bakış, ISBN: 978-625-7409-08-7, 2021
- Sağlıkta Yeni Trendler, ISBN: 978-625-7409-544, 2021
- Damar, ISBN: 978-605-69205-1-6, 2019