Güralp Özkoc 1979 yilinda Sinop’ta dünyaya gelmiştir. Ilk. Orta ve lise eğitimini Sinop’ta tamamladıktan sonra lisans eğitimi için 1997 yılında Gazi Üniversitesi Kimya Mühendisliği Bölümü’ne başlamıştır. 2001 yılında bu bolumu 3.’luk ile tamamladıktan sonra yüksek lisans ve doktora eğitimleri için ODTU Polimer bilimi ve Teknolojisi Programı’na geçmiştir. Özkoc ayni zamanda 2002 yılında ODTU Polimer Bilimi ve Teknolojisi Program’da araştırma görevlisi olmaya hak kazanmış ve bu görevi 2007 yılına kadar sürdürmüştür. Özkoc, Prof. Dr. Göknur Bayram ve merhum Prof. Dr. Erdal Bayramlı danışmanlığında polimer kompozit ve nanokompozitler ile ilgili doktora tez çalışmasını 2007 yılında tamamlamıştır. Ayrıca Ozkoc 2005 yilinda Hollanda’nin Geleen şehrinde yer alan DSM Research araştırma merkezinde PhD-Intern pozisyonunda arastirmalar yapmistir. 2008 yılında Kocaeli Üniversitesi Kimya Muhendisligi Bolumunde yardımcı doçent kadrosuyla göreve başlayan Ozkoc 2011 yılında doçent ve 2019 yilinda ise profesör olmaya hak kazanmıştır. Ozkoc, 2011-2018 yılları arasında kuruculularından biri de olduğu Polimer Bilimi ve Teknolojisi Programının anabilim dalı başkanlığı görevini sürdürmüş, 2011-2014 yillari arasında ise Fen Bilimleri enstitüsünde Mudur Yardımcısı ve Mudur Vekili olarak görev almıştır. Ozkoc 2020-2021 yilarinda Hollanda’nın Geleen kentinde yer alan TNO-Brightlands Material Center ‘da Senior Scientist pozisyonunda görev yapmış, burada kompozitlerin 3D yazıcılar ile üretimi konusunda araştırma faaliyetlerinde bulunmuştur. Dr. Özkoc’un yönetiminde ve/veya danışmanlığında tamamlanan 10’dan fazla doktora tezi, 35’den fazla yüksek lisans tezi, çok sayıda Tubitak, Boren, Sanayi Bakanlığı vb. kurumlarca desteklenmiş akademik ARGE projesi, cok sayida sanayi ARGE projesi ve ikili iş birlikleri vardır. Özkoc 70’den fazla makalenin ve cok sayıda bildirinin yazaridir. Bu eserlerine 1500 civarı atıf almistir ve h-indeksi 25’tir. Özkoc’un ayrıca 5 adet de patenti bulunmaktadır.
- Preparation and characterization of poly(lactic acid)-based contact-active antimicrobial surfaces, 2023
- Unlocking the Potential Use of Reactive POSS as a Coagent for EPDM/PP-Based TPV, 2023
- Novel and eco-friendly hydrophobic treatment of cotton and polyester fabrics based-on octavinyl and aminopropylisobutyl polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (OL-POSS and AM-POSS), 2023
- Reactive compatibilization of PLA/PBS bio‐blends via a new generation of hybrid nanoparticles, 2023
- Miscibility and phase behavior of reactively compatibilized poly(lactic acid)/poly(butylene succinate) bio‐blends using various rheological analyses, 2023
- Shape memory behavior and physical properties of peroxide X-linked LLDPE-C6/POSS and LLDPE-C8/POSS composites, 2023
- Solid particle erosion and scratch behavior of novel scrap carbon fiber/glass fabric/polyamide 6.6 hybrid composites, 2023
- A comprehensive review of the recent developments in thermoplastics and rubber blends‐based composites and nanocomposites, 2023
- Improved Heat Dissipation of NR/SBR-Based Tire Tread Compounds via Hybrid Fillers of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube and Carbon Black, 2023
- Effects of Hybrid POSS Nanoparticles on the Properties of Thermoplastic Elastomer-Toughened Polyamide 6, 2023
- Processing and Characterization of UV Irradiated HDPE/POSS Fibers, 2023
- A review on polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes as a new multipurpose nanohybrid additive for poly(lactic acid) and poly(lactic acid) hybrid composites, 2022
- A novel practical approach for monitoring the crosslink density of an ethylene propylene diene monomer compound: Complementary scanning acoustic microscopy and FIB-SEM-EDS analyses, 2022
- A new approach for the reuse of scrap carbon fiber in high-added value continuous fiber reinforced composite structures, 2022
- Improving bonding strength of injection Overmolded composites, 2022
- Reactive compatibilization of biodegradable PLA/TPU blends via hybrid nanoparticle, 2021
- The outstanding interfacial adhesion between acrylo-POSS/natural rubber composites and polyamide-based cords: ‘An environmentally friendly alternative to resorcinol-formaldehyde latex coating’, 2021
- Effects of OV-POSS Nanoparticles on The Vulcanization Kinetics of Natural Rubber Compounds, 2021
- Lab-Scale Twin-Screw Micro-Compounders as a New Rubber-Mixing Tool: \u2018A Comparison on EPDM/Carbon Black and EPDM/Silica Composites\u2019, 2021
- Crosslinked Low-Density Polyethylene/Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes Composites: Effects of Crosslinker Concentration on the Mechanical, Thermal, Rheological, and Shape Memory Properties, 2021
- Effect of Octavinyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane on the Cross-linking, Cure Kinetics, and Adhesion Properties of Natural Rubber/Textile Cord Composites, 2020
- Investigation of shape memory behavior and physical properties of crosslinked low density polyethylene/OvPOSS/TAIC composites, 2020
- Cross-linked LLDPE composites in the presence of POSS nanoparticles and poly(ethylene glycol) dimethacrylate coagent: “Comparison of physical properties and shape memory behaviour”, 2020
- POSS nanoparticles as a potential compatibilizer for natural rubber/butadiene rubber blends, 2020
- Improved interfacial adhesion with the help of functional polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes in silicone rubber/rayon fiber composites: Physical, mechanical, thermal, and morphological properties, 2020
- Polyimide nanocomposites in ternary structure: “A novel simultaneous neutron and gamma‐ray shielding material”, 2020
- A comprehensive study on shape memory behavior of PEG plasticized PLA/TPU bio-blends, 2020
- Additive manufacturing and biomechanical validation of a patient‐specific diabetic insole, 2020
- Polypropylene/Spray Dried and Silane-Treated NanofibrillatedCellulose Composites, 2020
- Overmolded polylactide/jute-mat eco-composites: A new method toenhance the properties of natural fiber biodegradable composites, 2020
- The Potential Use of Epoxy‐POSS as a Reactive Hybrid Compatibilizers for PLA/PBAT Blends: “Effect of PBAT Molecular Weight and POSS Type”, 2020
- Overmolded hybrid composites of polyamide-6 on continuous carbon and glass fiber/epoxy composites: ’xxAn assessment of the interface’xx, 2020
- Effects of hot melt adhesives on the interfacial properties of overmolded hybrid structures of polyamide-6 on continuous carbon fiber/epoxy composites, 2020
- Mechanical, thermal and morphological properties of poly(lactic acid) by using star-shaped poly(ε-caprolactone) with POSS core, 2019
- The Potential Use of Epoxy‐POSS as a Reactive Hybrid Compatibilizers for PLA/PBAT Blends: “Effect of PBAT Molecular Weight and POSS Type”, 2019
- Non-Isothermal Crystallization Kinetics of Green Microalgae Filled Poly(Lactic Acid), 2019
- Thermal, mechanical and physical properties of chain extended recycled polyamide 6 via reactive extrusion: Effect of chain extender types, 2019
- Compatibilization of PLA/PBAT blends by using Epoxy-POSS, 2019
- Long- and short-term stability of plasticized poly(lactic acid): effects of plasticizers type on thermal, mechanical and morphological properties, 2019
- Non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of Poly(Butylene succinate) (PBS) nanocomposites with different modified carbon nanotubes, 2018
- Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Copolymers of Poly (isopentenyl PEG - co-allyl PEG), Their Performance in Cement Mortar and Comparison with Physical Blends, 2018
- Effects of Magnesia Incorporation on Properties of Polystyrene/Magnesia Composites, 2018
- Physical, mechanical and neutron shielding properties of h-BN/Gd2O 3/HDPE ternary nanocomposites, 2018
- The effects of POSS particles on the flame retardancy of intumescent polypropylene composites and the structure-property relationship, 2018
- Synthesis of phosphorus- and phenyl-based ROMP polymers and investigation of their effects on the thermomechanical and flammability properties of a polypropylene-IFR system, 2018
- Mechanical and thermal properties of volcanic particle filled PLA/PBAT composites, 2018
- Non-isothermal crystallization kinetics and dynamic mechanical properties of poly(Butylene succinate) nanocomposites with different type of carbonaceous nanoparticles, 2018
- Investigation of relationship between crystallization kinetics and interfacial interactions in plasticized poly(lactic acid)/POSS nanocomposites: “Effects of different POSS types”, 2018
- Investigation of relationship between crystallization kinetics and interfacial interactions in plasticized poly(lactic acid)/POSS nanocomposites: “Effects of different POSS types”, 2018
- The mechanical, thermal and morphological properties of γ-irradiated PLA/TAIC and PLA/OvPOSS, 2018
- Synthesis of phosphorus- and phenyl-based ROMP polymers and investigation of their effects on the thermomechanical and flammability properties of a polypropylene-IFR system, 2018
- Mechanical and thermal properties of volcanic particle filled PLA/PBAT composites, 2018
- Preparation, characterization, and in vitro evaluation of chickenfeather fiber–thermoplastic polyurethane composites, 2017
- Effects of Diisocyanate and Polymeric Epoxidized Chain Extenders on the Properties of Recycled Poly(Lactic Acid), 2017
- High-Performance Green Composites of Poly(lactic acid) and Waste Cellulose Fibers Prepared by High-Shear Thermokinetic Mixing, 2017
- Thermally induced shape memory behavior, enzymatic degradation and biocompatibility of PLA/TPU blends: “Effects of compatibilization”, 2017
- High-Performance Green Composites of Poly(lactic acid) and Waste Cellulose Fibers Prepared by High-Shear Thermokinetic Mixing, 2017
- Non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of PEG plasticized PLA/G-POSS nanocomposites, 2017
- Effects of Diisocyanate and Polymeric Epoxidized Chain Extenders on the Properties of Recycled Poly Lactic Acid, 2017
- Comparison of natural halloysite with synthetic carbon nanotubes in poly lactic acid based composites, 2017
- Nanoclay fibers for the reinforcement of poly lactic acid based composites, 2016
- Investigation of relationship between crystallization kinetics and interfacial interactions in plasticized poly lactic acid POSS nanocomposites Effects of different POSS types, 2016
- Non isothermal crystallization kinetics and dynamic mechanical properties of poly Butylene succinate nanocomposites with different type of carbonaceous nanoparticles, 2016
- The influence of POSS type on the properties of PLA, 2016
- Effects of octamaleamic acid POSS used as the adhesion enhancer on the properties of silicone rubber silica nanocomposites, 2016
- Effects of halloysite nanotubes on the performance of plasticized poly lactic acid based composites, 2016
- Properties of talc wollastonite polyamide 6 hybrid composites, 2015
- Mechanical and Morphological Properties of Buckminster Fullerene C60 Added Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyamide 66 Multiscale Composites, 2015
- Effect of Fiber Content on Failure Modes of Glass Fiber Reinforced Injection Molded Polyamide 66 Composites, 2015
- Dual effect of chemical modification and polymer precoating of flax fibers on the properties of short flax fiber poly lactic acid composites, 2015
- A study on the separation performance of zeolite filled thin film composite poly dimethyl siloxane membrane, 2015
- The Effects of Thermomechanical Cycles on the Properties of PLA TPS Blends, 2014
- Reactive compatibilization of PLA/TPU blends with a diisocyanate, 2014
- Fracture toughness analysis of O POSS PLA composites assessed by essential work of fracture method, 2014
- Thoughening of poly lactic acid with silicone rubber, 2014
- Effects of reactive and nonreactive POSS types on the mechanical thermal and morphological properties of plasticized poly lactic acid, 2014
- Effects of a diisocyanate compatibilizer on the properties of citric acid modified thermoplastic starch poly lactic acid blends, 2013
- Use of Halloysite Nanotubes for the Production of Poly (lactic acid) Nanocomposites, 2013
- A modified method for processing and characterization of organoclay-based poly(ethylene terephthalate) nanocomposite fibers, 2013
- Properties of modified ethylene terpolymer/poly(lactic acid) blends based films, 2013
- Investigation of erosive wear behavior and physical properties of SGF and or calcite reinforced ABS PA6 composites, 2013
- POSS reinforced PET based composite fibers Effect of POSS type and loading level, 2013
- Properties of modified ethylene terpolymer poly lactic acid blends based films, 2013
- Plasticized and unplasticized PLA organoclay nanocomposites Short and long term thermal properties morphology and nonisothermal crystallization behavior, 2012
- Effects of Alkali Treatment on the Properties of Short Flax Fiber Poly Lactic Acid Eco Composites, 2011
- Effects of POSS particles on the mechanical thermal and morphological properties of PLA and Plasticised PLA, 2011
- Properties of thermally conductive micro and nano size boron nitride reinforced silicon rubber composites, 2010
- Interfacial strength in short glass fiber reinforced acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene/polyamide 6 blends, 2009
- Production of poly(lactic acid)/organoclay nanocomposite scaffolds by microcompounding and polymer/particle leaching, 2009
- Thermally conductive boron nitride/SEBS/EVA ternary composites: “Processing and characterization”, 2009
- Interfacial strength in short glass fiber reinforced acrylonitrile butadiene styrene polyamide 6 blends, 2009
- Thermally conductive boron nitride SEBS EVA ternary composites Processing and characterization, 2009
- Morphology biodegradability mechanical and thermal properties of nanocomposite films based on PLA and plasticized PLA, 2009
- Production of poly lactic acid organoclay nanocomposite scaffolds by microcompounding and polymer particle leaching, 2009
- Effects of microcompounding process parameters on the properties of ABS polyamide 6 blends based nanocomposites, 2008
- Impact essential work of fracture toughness of ABS polyamide 6 blends compatibilized with olefin based copolymers, 2008
- Microcompounding of organoclay ABS PA6 blend based nanocomposites, 2008
- Processing and characterization of multilayer films of poly(ethylene terephthalate) and surface-modified poly(tetrafluoroethylene), 2007
- Effects of olefin based compatibilizers on the morphology thermal and mechanical properties of ABS polyamide 6 blends, 2007
- Processing and Characterization of Short Glass Fiber/ABS/Polyamide-6 Composites, 2004