Çalışma Alanları
- Sağlık Bilimleri Temel Alanı
- İç Hastalıkları
- Could Prior COVID-19 Affect the Neutralizing Antibody after the Third BNT162b2 Booster Dose: A Longitudinal Study, 2023
- Evaluation of the effect of gluten‐free diet and Mediterranean diet on autoimmune system in patients with Hashimotos thyroiditis, 2023
- Which Factors Determine the Success of Anticoagulation with Warfarin, 2023
- COVID-19 studies involving machine learning methods: A bibliometric study, 2023
- Urinary Tract Infections Caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa: An 11-Year Retrospective Analysis on Antimicrobial Resistance, 2023
- Could Long Non-Coding RNA MEG3 and PTENP1 Interact with miR-21 in the Pathogenesis of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease?, 2023
- A Longitudinal Study in Turkiye of Host Ability to Produce Antibodies following a Third Homologous BNT162b2 Vaccination, 2023
- Oral Microbiota Signatures in the Pathogenesis of Euthyroid Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, 2023
- Ferric Carboxymaltose Versus Ferrous Glycine Sulfate For Treatment of Iron Deficiency Anemia and Their Effect On Vitamin B12 And Folic Acid: A Retrospective Study, 2022
- Effect of Pilates on Body Composition and Some Biochemical Parameters of Women with Type 2 Diabetes on a Low-Carbohydrate or High-Complex-Carbohydrate Diabetic Diet, 2020
- Relationships among oncostatin M, insulin resistance, and chronic inflammation: a pilot study, 2020
- Partial Cecum Necrosis As A Rare Cause Of Acute Abdominal Pain In An Elderly Patient, 2018
- Evaluation of platelet and mean platelet volume levels in patients with liver cirrhosis, 2018
- Comparison of three different creatinine clearance calculation methods in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, 2018
- An unusual case of hypopituitarism associated with non-small cell lung cancer , 2017
- Jejunal fecaloma as a rare cause of intestinal obstruction: A case report, 2017
- A Family from Turkey with Bartsocas-Papas Syndrome, 2017
- The effects of blood glucose regulation in omentin-1 levels among diabetic patients, 2017
- Is obesity associated with healing after non-surgical periodontal therapy? A local vs. systemic evaluation, 2016
- Agranulocytosis Associated With Trandolapril-Verapamil Combination, 2016
- D-dimer and international normalized ratio (INR) are correlated with tumor markers and disease stage in colorectal cancer patients, 2015
- The prevalences of some rheumatic diseases in western Turkey: Havsa study, 2012
- Evaluation of Serum Boron, Arsenic and Aluminium in Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, 2023
- Karaciğer Sirozu Olgularında Nötrofil / Lenfosit Oranının Prognostik Belirteç Olarak Önemi, 2021
- Clinical Features of COVID Patients with Gastrointestinal System Involvement, 2021
- Son Trimestr Gebelerde, Üç Farklı Demir Preparatı İle Yapılan Replasmanın Öncesi Ve Sonrasında Hematolojik Parametrelerin İncelenmesi, 2021
- Acil Servise İshal ve Öksürük Şikayeti ile Başvuran Hastaların Retrospektif İncelenmesi, 2022
- Covid-19 Pnömonisi Nedeniyle Hastanede veya Evde Tedavi Gören Diyabetik Hastalarda Kan Şekeri Kontrolünün İncelenmesi, 2022
- Vertigoya Olgular Eşliğinde Multidisipliner Bakış, ISBN: 978-605-7607-40-9, 2020
- Vertigoya Olgular Eşliğinde Multidisipliner Bakış, ISBN: 978-605-7607-40-9, 2020
- İç Hastalıkları Uzmanları İçin Preoperatif Değerlendirme, ISBN: 978-6057607-46-1, 2020
- Acil Tıp El Kitabı, ISBN: 978-975-277-802-3, 2020
- Acil Tıp El Kitabı, ISBN: 978-975-275-802-3, 2020
- Acil Tıp El Kitabı, ISBN: 978-975-275-802-3, 2020
- Acil Tıp El Kitabı, ISBN: 978-975-275-802-3, 2020
- Acil Tıp El Kitabı, ISBN: 978-975-275-802-3, 2020
- Acil Tıp El Kitabı, ISBN: 978-975-275-802-3, 2020
- Acil Tıp El Kitabı, ISBN: 978-975-275-802-3, 2020
- Current Approaches to Breast Cancer, ISBN: 9786257146999, 2021