Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü

Akademik Kadro

Prof. Dr. Semra Şardaş

Prof. Dr.
Semra Şardaş

Farmasotik Toksikoloji

Prof. Dr. Semra Şardaş, Türk Eğitim Derneği (TED) Ankara Koleji mezunudur. Eczacılık Lisans eğitimini tamamladıktan sonra 1982 yılında Toksikoloji bilimi doktorasını Ankara Üniversitesinden almıştır. 1986 yılında Gazi Üniversitesinde Toksikoloji doçenti, 1993 yılında Toksikoloji profesörü ve 2011 yılında Avrupa Toksikoloji Birliği tarafından Avrupa Kayıtlı Toksikolog (European Registered Toxicologist ) unvanlarını almıştır. Gazi Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi Toksikoloji Anabilim Dalı Başkanlığı, Dekan yardımcılığı, Marmara Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi Toksikoloji Anabilim Dalı başkanlığı görevlerini yapmıştır. Marmara Üniversitesi, Eczacılık Fakültesinde Farmakogenetik ve İlaç Güvenliliği Birimini kurmuş ve başkanlığını yapmıştır. Prof. Şardaş, TÜBİTAK desteği ile doktora sonrası aldığı burslarla uzun yıllar çalışmalarını İngiltere de Londra Üniversitesi Tıp fakültesinde ilaç metabolizması ve Newcastle Upon Tyne Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Farmakoloji departmanında Farmakogenetik, Genotoksisite alanında sürdürmüştür. Prof. Şardaş, Sağlık Bakanlığı Türkiye İlaç ve Tıbbi Cihaz Kurumunun çeşitli birimlerinde (Etik Kurul, Ruhsat, Farmakovijilans, KÜB/KT, Kozmetik Dairesi, Farmakoloji ve Teknoloji Danışma Komisyonu ) bilimsel komisyon üyelikleri ve Farmakovijilans bilimsel danışma kurulu başkanlığı görevi yapmıştır. Marmara Üniversitesi Klinik İlaç Araştırmaları Etik Kurul üyeliği ve Kozmetik Klinik Araştırma Etik Kurul kurucularındandır. Ulusal dergilerin yanı sıra çok sayıda Uluslararası derginin editörüdür. Çok sayıda uluslararası ve ulusal yayın, kitap bölümü, SCI H indeksi 19’dur. Uluslararası ve Ulusal İlaç Güvenliliği kongrelerini ülkemizde gerçekleştirmiştir. Halk sağlığına yönelik uluslararası yayınları ve hizmetleri nedeniyle Uluslararası ve Ulusal ödüllere sahiptir. Çok sayıda Yüksek Lisans ve Doktora tezi yönetmiştir. Ülkemizde Toksikoloji Derneği ve Farmakovijilans Derneği kurucularındandır. Farmakovijilans Derneği Başkan yardımcısıdır. 2000 üzeri uluslararası sitasyon sahibidir.

Araştırma Alanları

  • Risk Değerlendirme
  • Farmakogenetik
  • DNA Hasarı Tespit Yöntemleri Genotoksisite
  • İlaç Metabolizması
  • Kozmetik Ürünlerde Güvenlik Sınırı Tayini

Çalışma Alanları

  • Sağlık Bilimleri Temel Alanı
  • Farmasotik Toksikoloji
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
  • DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
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  • Destek Ürünlerin Akılcı Kullanımı ve güvenlik,
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  • Destek Ürünlerin Akılcı Kullanımı ve güvenlik,
  • Destek Ürünlerin Akılcı Kullanımı ve güvenlik,
  • Zehirlenmeler Yeni Akıl Notları, ISBN: 978-975-277-786-6, 2019
  • Zehirlenmeler Yeni Akıl Notları, ISBN: 978-975-277-786-6, 2019
  • Zehirlenmeler Yeni Akıl Notları, ISBN: 978-975-277-786-6, 2019
  • Zehirlenmeler Yeni Akıl Notları, ISBN: 978-975-277-786-6, 2019
  • Zehirlenmeler Yeni Akıl Notları, ISBN: 978-975-277-786-6, 2019
  • Zehirlenmeler Yeni Akıl Notları, ISBN: 978-975-277-786-6, 2019
  • Zehirlenmeler Yeni Akıl Notları, ISBN: 978-975-277-786-6, 2019
  • Hizmet Ödülü, 2015
  • Türkiye’nin “En İyi Bilim İnsanları” Ödülü , 2015
  • Yayın ödülü, 2015
  • yayın teşvik ödülü, 2014
  • Yayın teşvik ödülü, 2008
  • Yayın teşvik ödülü, 1996
  • Altın Havan, 2019