Institute of Graduate Education

Academic Members

Prof. Hacer Özgen  Narcı

Hacer Özgen Narcı


Hacer Özgen Narcı graduated with honors from Health Vocational High School in 1986 and practiced nursing for 6 years. She completed her undergraduate education at Hacettepe University, School of Health Administration, and her master's degree in Health Institutions Management at Hacettepe University. She completed her doctoral studies in the field of Health Services Organization and Research at Virginia Commonwealth University in the United States of America in 2000, with a scholarship from Hacettepe University. She received the title of Associate Professor in the field of Management and Organization. Her dissertation, in which she examined the factors affecting the technical efficiency of dialysis centers using Industrial Organization Theory, was awarded "The James W. Begun" award as the Best PhD Study of 2001. The technical efficiency measurement model she developed is a reference source in international studies. Özgen Narcı, who has national and international articles, books and book chapters, serves as a referee in many national and international journals. Together with Harvard University faculty members, she took part in the team that prepared Türkiye’s first National Health Accounts and conducted the first study on informal out-of-pocket health expenditures in Türkiye. She worked as a manager, researcher and consultant in many national and international research projects sponsored by TÜBİTAK, the Ministry of Health and the Turkish Statistical Institute. Over the 20 years, she has given various courses at undergraduate, master's and doctoral levels, as well as training on national and international platforms. Between 2012 and 2017, she served as Head of the Department of Health Management at Acıbadem University and Istanbul Medipol University. Between 2017 and 2019, she worked as the Founding Head of the Department of Health Management at Istinye University and Head of the Department of Health Systems and Management at Duquesne University in the United States. Özgen Narcı, who rejoined the ISU family in August 2020, serves as the Head of the Department of Health Management.

Araştırma Alanları

  • Efficiency
  • Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditures
  • Financial Risk Protection
  • Competition
  • Strategic Management
  • Capturing Innovation inSurgeries: An Evaluation from a Management Perspective, 2019
  • İl Düzeyinde Görev Yapan Kamu Sağlık Yöneticilerinin Karar Verme Stilleri ve İlişkili Faktörlerin Araştırılması, 2019
  • Examining Health Care Spending Trends over a Decade: The Palestinian Case, 2015
  • An Examination of Competition and Efficiency for Hospital Industry, 2015
  • Financial Catastrophe and Poverty Effects of Out of Pocket Payments in Turkey, 2015
  • Assessment of Hospital Efficiency under Health Transformation Program in Turkey, 2011
  • Predictors of Informal Health Payments The Example from Turkey, 2010
  • Measurement of Efficiency of the Dialysis Sector in Turkey using Data Envelopment Analysis, 2010
  • Cepten Sağlık Harcamalarının Hakkaniyet Açısından Değerlendirilmesi, 2010
  • Sağlık Hizmetleri Finansmanı ve Hakkaniyet, 2008
  • Sağlıkta Hizmetleri Finansmanında İnformal Ödemeler, 2008
  • Sağlık Sektöründe Bir Verimlilik Değerlendirme Tekniği Olarak Maliyet Etkililik Analizi ve Türkiye de Durum, 2007
  • Informal Payments in the Health Sector A Case Study from Turkey, 2007
  • Sağlık Hizmetleri Finansmanında Cepten Harcama: Nedir? Neden Önemlidir?, 2007
  • Does Chain Affiliation Make a Difference in Efficiency of Dialysis Providers in the USA, 2006
  • Longitudinal Analysis of Efficiency in Multiple Output Dialysis Markets, 2004
  • Türkiye de Diyaliz Sektörünün Gelişimi ve Prodüktivitesinin Değerlendirilmesi, 2003
  • A National Study of Efficiency for Dialysis Centers An Examination of Market Competition and Facility Characteristics for Production of Multiple Dialysis Outputs, 2002
  • İşlem Maliyetleri Teorisi Sağlık Hizmetleri İşlemlerinde Sözleşme mi Yoksa Örgüt İçi Yapılanma mı, 2002
  • Sağlık Bakanlığı İl Devlet Hastanelerinin Karşılaştırmalı Verimlilik Analizi, 2000
  • Do Mergers Enhance the Performance of Hospital Efficiency, 2000
  • Turkish Hospital Management At A Crossroads Prospects for the Year 2000, 1998
  • Hastane Yönetiminde Gelecekte Önem Kazanacak Alan ve Konular ile Bu Alan ve Konularda Başarılı Olmak için Gerekli Bilgi Beceri Yetenekler, 1995
  • Hacettepe Üniversitesi Dahiliye Beyin Cerrahi ve Genel Cerrahi Yoğun Bakım Ünitelerinde Hastane Enfeksiyonlarının Hastaya Olan Maliyeti Konulu Tanımlayıcı Bir Araştırma, 1995
  • Sağlık Bakım Hizmetlerinde Kalite Nedir Hasta Tatmini Boyutuyla İlgili Bir Değerlendirme, 1995
  • Türkiye de Cepten Sağlık Harcamaları,
  • Sağlıkta Performans Yönetimi Finansman ve Kalite İlişkisi,
  • Türkiye de Sağlık Hizmetleri Üretiminde Verimlilik Ölçümünün Güncel Konuları,
  • Cepten Sağlık Harcamalarının Finansal Etkileri Katastrofik Harcamalar ve Yoksullaşma,
  • Sağlık Yönetimi Eğitimine Akademisyen Bakışı,
  • Healthcare Reform and New Challenges in Turkish Healthcare System and Operations Research,
  • Cepten Sağlık Harcamaları ve Hakkaniyet,
  • Sağlık Hizmetlerinin Verimliliği,
  • Toplam Kalite Yönetimi Sağlık Bakanlığı Hastaneleri için Bir Model Önerisi,
  • Türkiye de Diyaliz Endüstrisinin Gelişimi ve Performansından İzlenimler,
  • Diyaliz Sektörünün Teknik Verimliliği,
  • Katastrofik Cepten Sağlık Harcamaları ve Belirleyicileri,
  • Sağlık Hizmetlerinde Araştırma ve Değerlendirme, ISBN: 978-975-06-2620-3, 2015
  • Sağlık Ekonomisi, ISBN: 978-975-06-2617-3, 2015
  • Technical Efficiency in the Dialysis Industry The Roles of Market Structure and Facility Conduct, ISBN: 3639172035, 2009
  • Türkiye Ulusal Sağlık Hesapları Hanehalkı Sağlık Harcamaları 2002 2003, ISBN: 975-590-173-6, 2006
  • Sağlık Diplomasisi: Sağlık Politikaları Sistem Analisti Eğitimi, ISBN: 978-605-4797-13-4, 2017
  • Sağlık Diplomasisi: Sağlık Politikaları Sistem Analisti Eğitimi, ISBN: 978-605-4797-13-4, 2017
  • Sağlık Kurumlarında Operasyon Yönetimi, ISBN: , 2014
  • Sağlık Kurumlarında Operasyon Yönetimi, ISBN: , 2014